‘Every occupation has a vitality that gives meaning to the work you do. It is waiting to be tapped into. If you feel alive thinking about that work, if your eyes light up just talking about it to someone, then you know you have found your calling. Having a dream does not come with a condition that you start living it from the day you commit to it. You may need to work towards it, one step at a time. It may not happen tomorrow or even the day after. But it does mean that you keep the conviction, that someday it will.’ Vocatio is an organisation devoted to developing a world in which the youth create and follow sustainable career paths to leverage the full spectrum of their life and work. Our mission is to provide young people with the support and tools to successfully lead a curious, creative and fulfilling life. We aim to build an ecosystem of support for the students and their primary care givers, to develop a network in the community and enable access to resources that will help them make, informed, realistic and optimum choices in their life and careers. As parents and as a community, we want to provide the best tool kit to our children for the future. We want them to be able to make the right career choices by building a solid foundation in the school years. We want to orient them to a more responsible, community driven and inclusive way of living and working. If we are able to help our children gain greater clarity about themselves, what skills set they can hone best and where they can fit in terms of career opportunities and life goals, then we have succeeded in creating a more confident and aware child. Great paradigm shifts are possible when we have the opportunity to nurture a spirit of a larger social responsibility of reflection and social justice in the children who will be the adults of the 21st Century. Research on a worldwide scale overwhelmingly points to the fact that education and academic training does not seem to prepare students adequately for entry into the workforce. Schools, whose focus is on completing the academic aspects of education and providing a wide range of extra and co-curricular activities, are limited in the time that is available to them and would find it a challenge to incorporate more during a school schedule. With technology and the changing needs of the working world, expecting schools to adapt rapidly to a constantly changing scenario is a herculean task. Our objective is simple – to provide the tool kit to our children and to help you support them and through you, other children who could benefit from your investment of time. In the next few months, I intend to reach out to parents and children through resources and discussions towards what we want for our kids, understanding what our kids will do and be best at and creating the skill training on issues we identify as important. Let us work together ! Do register and sign in and send your thoughts and ideas to tasneem@vocatio.co.in I look forward to your involvemnet and support