Career Assessment
Career assessments involve administering tests that will help us assess student’s abilities, interests, skills, their personality and work related values. Aptitude tests predict people’s future ability to acquire skills or knowledge in different areas. Achievement tests, on the other hand, measure skills and knowledge that people have already learned. Interest Inventories assess what you enjoy doing most from a range of activities. Values Inventories aim to clarify your guiding principles. Personality tests attempt to clarify your relatively stable personal traits and characteristics. For more details on Career Assessments, click HERE
Career Counselling
Individual career counselling requires a deep level of involvement between student and counsellor on a one to one basis. It involves formulating an individualised career and education strategy taking into account a number of internal, external, familial and cultural factors. Students are asked relevant questions and walked through the process of making realistic career choices. Parents are also significant participants in this process. To make an appointment for a career counselling session, call 9703298292. For more details on the steps involved in individual career counselling, click HERE
Career Education Programmes
Everything we do involves skills. We all have skills; however, the type of skills and their levels may vary among us. Skills can be learnt and built upon throughout our lives.
For the students who are enrolled in school today, some of the jobs that will be available to them when they graduate have not even been invented yet. They will need to master new ways of thinking and new ways of working with new tools and technology. Learning to learn, communicate, problem-solve and work effectively in a diverse team will be key to succeeding in new work environments. These skills are not just critical skills on the job, they are skills for living a fulfilling, successful and creative life.
Career Education Programmes are developmentally appropriate and culturally adapted to suit the needs of our students from Class 6-12. There are several Career Education Programmes offered by Vocatio. Some are 2 sessions programmes aimed at introducing career development and some are year long curriculum based programmes. Each of our career education programmes aim to build students’ fluency in various intrapersonal, interpersonal and cognitive skills, competencies and abilities and make it an integral part of their life and thought. It gives them opportunities to discover the usefulness of understanding the relationship between what they learn and their world, click HERE
Career Exploration Programmes
The transition from School to post secondary education is a crucial developmental milestone for teenagers. Career Exploration programmes are aimed at providing a structured student-industry interaction to enable a real world understanding of jobs and careers.
Labour Market Awareness, Occupation and Industry Information, Knowledge of Organisation Structures and their Value Chain by way of Workshops, Field Visits, Internships, Mentorships, Talks by Veterans and New Entry Workers create effective Career Exploration Programmes for students from Class 8-11.
Consultancy in Planning and Developing Career Education Programmes
Vocatio designs modular Skills+ programmes for students in affordable schools to be implemented by NGOs operating in these schools. These programmes will be easily replicable and will require minimum training and orientation. The sessions will focus on self management and career exploration and career building competencies. We also undertake projects for schools and organisations and collaborate with multiple teams across the globe to design and plan career education programmes. click HERE