Welcome to the Vocatio Career Education World !
Since Career Guidance and Education is what Vocatio is about, we will have ongoing discussions on anything and everything related to life, work and careers.
At Vocatio, we have taken a thematic approach to Career Education, so we can look at topics suggested by you or those that are in the news or which seem to be in order given the time of the year.
The Discussion forum will have a topic selected once a week and will be open for conversation and comments from Tuesday to Friday. After that, the thread will be available to view but closed for comments.
- Never, ever write a post USING ALL CAPITALS.
- Don’t use text speak. And do use paragraphs
- Be more specific on your thread title than, ‘Help needed please’.
- Remember that anyone, anywhere can Google everything posted, so it’s not a good idea to post identifying info or email addresses.
- Don’t be frightened to ask how things are done. There are always posters who more than happy to point you in the right direction. We were all new once.
When posting, please use the same courtesy that you would show when speaking face-to-face with someone. In a nutshell, BE CIVIL.
Our policy is to keep intervention to a minimum and let the conversation flow. Having said that, we will remove postings that are obscene, contain personal attacks or break the law as soon as they are reported.
Any problems, do email us at info@vocatio.co.in or post it on the thread